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Using the Design Tool for Stock PatternsUpdated 2 years ago

While we strive to offer the best Design Tool we can, due to the sizes of some of the prints, there can be some unintuitive problems that may arise.  Unfortunately, these problems can't be overcome without making the tool painfully slow for most users. 

1.  Files load in at half size. For example - "Mountain Waves" is meant to be a full width print. However, due to the way the Design Tool visualizes the files, they initially load in half size - 

However, with the "Ratio" button checked, you can set the width up to 60", and it will look as intended - 

This is true for every single pattern loaded into our Gallery. It can be doubled in size and still remain a "Good" quality print. 

2. The system uses low-resolution Thumbnails to display art. Regardless if it's from our Gallery, or a custom upload, the system generates a low-quality Thumbnail to display in the tool. So, when zoomed in 100%, the art will look fuzzy, pixelated, or blurry. 

Design Tool - 

Actual File at 100% - 


3. There are more files in each category than you initially see! 

For most categories, there's a button labeled "More Designs" on the lower right that will show you additional artwork - 

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