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Double Squeeze Stoppers

Double Squeeze stoppers are springless cordlocks. Designed to fit 2 sections of draw cord under 2mm, or a single piece of 1/8" shock cord. These cord locks are a little stiff but have the benefit of being a single piece, with nothing to break. They w

Did I receive the double-sided Dyneema tape? It appears to be one sided.

This is a very common question we receive so you're not alone. Most likely you received the correct tape but this tape can be tricky. So, here are some quick steps to help you better understand and apply the product correctly.

Zippers - An Overview

So... You are designing your first piece of gear ever. Every detail has been thought out, you definitely watched nine videos on how to thread your sewing machine, you've got the pattern almost ready to go, the zippered pocket is ..... Wait, did you s